short stories. Last semester, my first as an English major, I took a creative writing course as a requirement for graduation. I was excited, as you can tell. You’re reading this on the website I created for sharing my writing, after all. My first assignment was a piece of flash fiction, a short story in …
sugarplum – a Christmas novelette
short stories. Merry Christmas, you! Hope your holidays are shaping up to be warm (but seasonally chilly out), bright (one can never have too many Christmas lights), and spilling over with joy for the birth of our perfect Saviour. Don’t forget the reason we celebrate this gift-giving holiday -for the one who gave to us …
celestia’s carer
short stories. Reader, I hope you’ve had a great start to your week and a lovely fourth! The country seems a little unrested right now, but, after watching Hamilton the other night, I’ve reached a point of celebrating the good parts of our young country’s history and learning from the bad parts. Today, I bring …
private eye
short stories. happy monday! this little website endeavor has excited me with getting to peruse my hard drive for material I’ve written in days past, all the while writing more for supply. i’m currently in the middle of a new novelette/novella of sorts (basically a story i think will be not quite over 40K words). …
the sickness
short story. found this one while cleaning off my computer. it’s scary that although it was written in 2018, it feels a little too timely. It had been the one thing they’d forgotten. Over tea, Sage and Desira had been talking about the three’s uncanny arrival to the place- Juniper, Luca, and Ava had practically …
the pine
this is a short story written about a nightmare in days past. I’ve always dreamed about pregnancy, children, and dying. It’s why the themes always appear in anything I write, but it was this particular story I felt had to be put to paper. My childhood imagination seems to never wither as I age, and …